Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29, 2009: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left:
  • So I'm going assume that Loretta attempted to drive the old sedan home without fueling up and it ran out of gas midway up the driveway. That seems to be the only way this scene can be construed as something resembling a joke. One of these days, Loretta's criminally reckless driving habits will catch up to her when she hits a child or causes a fatal multi-car highway pile up. Leroy will get the point then as well.
  • I find it a little hard to believe that Loretta, who is incapable of cooking food that doesn't look like mounds of gray mush, would even attempt something as relatively exotic as French cuisine. Looking at the plate it appears that Loretta has applied her special culinary touch to whatever French recipe she has attempted. For a guy who is served so much awful food, you'd think Leroy would be skinnier. Leroy goes up by two.
  • These rare moments where Loretta seems to be showing compassion and affection, I find far more unsettling and scary than any direct threat. These sly backhanded compliments also seem to come off meaner and more spiteful in the end. If I were Leroy, I would immediately leave the room anytime Loretta attempted to put her stubby meat hooks around my shoulders. The point goes to Loretta.
  • I wouldn't really call moving an object as "using" it. I wouldn't say I "used" my car by pushing it or "used" my toaster by removing it from the kitchen. It's a slightly awkward fitting joke, but we all get it: Leroy is lazy, out of shape, and completely lacking in will power. Also, look how unhappy Leroy looks even while taking a restful slumber. One can only imagine the horrors that haunt his dreams. Loretta ties it up.
  • If the Lockhorns aren't fans of Hamlet, I don't understand why they would go watch the play again. It was the same lazy joke then and it's the same lazy joke now: Leroy is uncultured. Although there's not enough proof, I suspect all these theater trips are part of an elaborate plan by Loretta to make Leroy's life all the more unenjoyable. However, until I get more hard evidence, it's still a push for the panel and ultimately for the entire day.
Official Count:
Leroy - 23
Loretta - 35
Push - 30

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