Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009

Is there a joke in here somewhere? I mean, isn't that what the Lockhorns are supposed to be about? Aren't we supposed to find something ostensibly humorous in the daily scenes of negativity and misfortune in their lives? Even after reading an entire wikipedia article on the common carpenter ant, I still am not sure what the punchline is. My only guess is that carpenter ants can easily be eliminated by exterminators but this rather unscrupulous professional (like all professionals that the Lockhorns deal with) is attempting to take advantage of the Lockhorns by not fully exterminating the ants and insuring himself another job? Can't we just go back to more scenes of Loretta burning the roast or Leroy hitting on other women at parties? Push, push, push.

Official Count:
Leroy - 39
Loretta - 53
Push - 54

1 comment:

  1. Do I have to explain everything to you? The joke is about carpenters, who notoriously begin construction projects on your home then disappear for a while, and you never know when they'll decide to come back. Actually, a balcony railing left unfinished by an unreliable carpenter led to Jenny's death on The L Word.
