Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6, 2010

Even the Immortal Bard is not immune to Leroy's grumpy complaints. As soon as the theater patrons shuffle out Leroy unleashes his brief but direct criticism of the show; thus demonstrating that brevity truly is the sole of wit. If even Shakespeare can't escape Leroy's disapproval, what hope is there for any other playwright? One odd detail I noticed about today's scene is that Leroy seems to be wearing the same weird blue smock that he is usually seen wearing while commuting to work. Perhaps he had to directly meet Loretta at the theater after work? While Loretta does look disappointed, I don't think there's enough here to take it out of push territory. It's officially a push.

Official Count:
Leroy - 1
Loretta - 0
Push - 5

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