Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

I refuse to accept that the Lockhorns haven't used the "dog-eat-dog" idiom until today. It's such a well worn old chestnut, that I wouldn't be surprised if its was used in the first ever Lockhorn panel. I've only been following 2009 thus far, so maybe there exists a whole bunch of instances of the phrase from the last 40 or so years. With that being said, Loretta's use of it here is downright devastating. Essentially writing off Leroy as a complete loser in front of everyone within shouting distance at the cocktail party is as harsh as it gets. Leroy looks especially dismayed that he just lost the respect of his older bald mustachioed acquaintance. Loretta nails the point.

Official Count:
Leroy - 107
Loretta - 135
Push - 97

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