Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13, 2009: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left:
  • For quite possibly the first time ever, Loretta makes someone else more miserable than Leroy in a scene. The first poor soul to be part of this dubious distinction is the completely broken down shoe salesman, who after hours upon countless hours of fetching and fitting specially-made gigantic Loretta sized shoes, is now told that she had been considering Internet shopping all along thus potentially eliminating his sale/commission and rendering all his hard work moot. Loretta is always setting the bar higher and higher in terms of pure sadism. Leroy's explicit eye rolling look of disgust covers the bare minimum to earn him a point.
  • As we learned from last week's Sunday Showdown, Leroy has a real dependence on that first mug of "fortified" Irish coffee for the day. Loretta is obviously mocking Leroy's late wake-up, but noon really isn't all that ridiculous of a rising time, especially for those who enjoy a good sleep-in on the weekends. I think Loretta's just trying to cover up from her friend, her ongoing progressive plot to destroy Leroy via sleep deprivation. Nevertheless, Loretta gets the point and ties the score.
  • If you remove the "at twister" part of the chiropractor's advice, we see the true reasons behind Leroy's visit. I really can't imagine any scenario where the Lockhorns would be playing "Twister" against each other considering all the intimate physical contact, minimum flexibility requirements, and general appearance of fun that accompany the game. Leroy's aching back is obviously from the usual physical altercations that pepper the Lockhorns' day; he just doesn't want to explain their toxic situation to the chiropractor and potentially the police. It's a push.
  • Despite Loretta's long history of torturing others with her horrible singing, it's Leroy who is getting pulled over by law enforcement for singing along with the radio. I guess I didn't get the memo about this being opposite day. Perhaps in the future we will see Leroy cooking awful dinners and Loretta drunkenly flirting with strapping, blond mimbos at parties. Who knows what the new year will bring? As for Loretta, her beaming smile of superiority here gives her the edge and the point.
  • So Leroy bets on the fighter that most closely resembles an anachronistic Victorian-Era widow? Perhaps he's not being that overly literal but Leroy's system does make sense if he's going with the fighter that most resembles Loretta's mother in terms of having a mean spirited disposition and bubbling rage right beneath the surface. One can only imagine the kind of vicious pugilist that someone with even half of Loretta's mother's bitterness and anger would be. Leroy gets the point and forces the 2-2 push for the day. That officially makes it 100 on the year.
Official Count:
Leroy - 108
Loretta - 139
Push - 100

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