Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 2010

Leroy coldly demonstrates to Loretta that he is incapable of basic human empathy and emotions in general. In fact, Leroy can only see people and things in the world as their earnings estimates and market values. I'm no psychologist but these traits would make him a prime example of a psychopath. He could probably kill a homeless man with the casualness and total lack of remorse one would exert while taking out the household trash. Assuming he's not an emotionless killer hiding behind a slowly slipping mask of sanity, my other theory would be that his countless years of being in debt has made him somewhat obsessed with the financial matters of everyone he sees. Neither scenario is really all that good for Leroy; at least he gets today's point.

Official Count:
Leroy - 38
Loretta - 49
Push - 38

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