Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to Enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left:
  • I enjoyed the ridiculous poster for "Tender Feelings", the hardcore chick flick that Loretta subjected Leroy to watching. Everything about it from the solitary close up picture of a woman crying to the absurd title written in fancy script indicates that it must be the mother of all other the top, melodramatic, stereotypical, female-centric weepies. Frankly, I would not be surprised if it was just two hours of watching a woman cry. I'm still going to give Leroy the benefit of the points because, despite his miserable experience, he manages to put his foot down and demand that the next three films would be explosion filled, stereotypical male-centric actions flicks; so it's sort of a net gain for him. Leroy goes up 1-0.
  • The obvious question in my mind here is: what the hell happened to Leroy? His explanation as to why he couldn't call Loretta to apologize strongly implies that he was possibly in jail. While Leroy has had his share of brushes with the law, I don't think it has been established as a running theme that Leroy is constantly getting arrested. I then start to wonder what he could have done to have gotten himself arrested in the first place. Does it have something to do with the apology he owes Loretta? Was it a domestic disturbance situation that got out of hand? Did he get into a vicious fight with someone at a party? Was he arrested for harassing a random bimbo? Despite the uncertainty, Leroy still gets the point; a quick 2-0 lead for Leroy.
  • Loretta tosses out a pretty groan worthy joke about her dieting struggles (I guess she has a "week-ness" for sundaes?) . Personally, I think she should have included the full week and said six days instead of five. Unfortunately for Leroy, he suffers one of his occasional maddening lapses in focus and lets Loretta get away with a making a self-deprecating statement while vulnerably standing on the bathroom scale instead of easily capitalizing with a remark and clinching the day. Leroy can ill afford to ignore such ripe opportunities. Push. Leroy leads 2-0.
  • There has to be some sort of ethical rule among insurance brokers that prevents them from selling life insurance policies to married couples where the beneficiary spouse is clearly planning on murdering the policy holding spouse and cashing in on the payout. It would be a reckless and dangerously shortsighted act by the broker here to sell a policy to the Lockhorns. To Leroy's credit however it looks like he is somewhat suspicious of Loretta's intentions. Loretta scores a point and cuts the lead down to 2-1.
  • Leroy looks like he's about to get into another enraged, cocktail fueled, altercation with a random party guest; thus burning yet another bridge with an acquaintance. Loretta, as always, is right in the front row to enjoy the show and ready with a comment. I do have to accuse Loretta of some embellishment here; there is absolutely no way that Loretta has ever genuinely asked for Leroy's opinion on anything. Despite the twisting of the truth, the spirit of the put down remains the same. Loretta get the point and finishes strong while Leroy completes a massive choke job to salvage a 2-2 push from what seemingly appeared to be a blowout loss.
Official Count:
Leroy - 14
Loretta - 22
Push - 7

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