Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left:
  • Loretta mentions the one remote silver lining about the financial woes brought about by her shopping disorder: there's nothing but mounting debt for a mugger to take. However, one has to wonder if a mugger that is so outdated and old fashioned that he dresses like a golden age comic book hoodlum, complete with flat cap and Hamburglar-esque mask, would even know how to utilize a modern credit card. He would seem more at home running around with a bag of money with a dollar sign on it. Nobody wins here, push.
  • Nothing like a little casual misogyny out in the backyard on a sunny spring day. While this should be a happy moment for Loretta, considering the pain Leroy's in, he manages to deftly turn the tables by offending Loretta with his anti-female comment. His statement would have also worked with mosquitoes and how they're bloodsucking parasites. Based on the scowl factor, Leroy gets the first point.
  • This might be the first time I've seen Leroy standing next to a tall, buxom bombshell and not looking happy. After living with Leroy for all these decades, does Loretta really think that it's possible that he would find someone to cheat with? She knows better than anyone that he lacks the looks/prestige/money/charm/hygiene to have any female human be attracted to him (especially the completely out of his league models that he only seems to go for). Even if she suspected he was cheating on her, what's the worse that could happen? They'd get divorced? Now that would be a shame. It's another push.
  • This time, instead of burning the ham into an indigestible mass of black, charred ash, Loretta merely makes it so dry and flavorless that Leroy is reminded of being stranded in a desert. Of course those mirages just may be hallucinations induced by whatever poison Loretta may have cooked into the ham. Just another romantic dinner for the Lockhorns. Even if he ends up dying, he still gets the last insult and the point.
  • Loretta has a complicated relationship with television. We know she watches a lot of it, but she also seems to be highly critical of it. It's kind of like Leroy with the food; he mentions how it tastes like hot garbage in between stuffing his face with it. Anyone else notice the intense staring contest going on between Leroy and his friend in the background there? It looks like its going to be a close one. With that push, Leroy closes out the day with a rare 2-0 shutout.
Official Count:
Leroy - 46
Loretta - 56
Push - 56

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