Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23, 2013: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to Enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left:
  • Leroy's octopus tossing episode seemed like an outrageous act of rebellion for being dragged to another opera, but his ashamed expression here makes it appear like he actually thought that octopus tossing was allowed. A supposed hockey fan like Leroy should also have known that throwing an octopus would have been out of place outside of a Detroit home playoff game. What should have been a point for Leroy for spectacularly ruining Loretta's night out, has turned into a point for Loretta for belittling Leroy for his amazing stupidity. Loretta gets the point and goes up 1-0.
  • After the debacle of the first panel, Leroy manages to find some redemption with an admirably spiteful bit of gift giving. Likely having been coerced by Loretta to purchase her a gift (perhaps in atonement for the octopus throwing) Leroy does some quick thinking to literally take a bite out her enjoyment. I guess both Lockhorns are fans of coconut, often that's the one that people single out to dislike in a chocolate heart. Leroy scores a point and ties the day up at 1-1.
  • Things get real heavy in this week's center panel as Leroy makes a somber assessment about his life so far. Loretta's dead eyed stare and strange, almost unconnected, placement in the scene makes the whole thing look like some kind of Bergman-esque experimental student film. I am also quite unsettled by Leroy's huge chair and his unnatural legs up sitting position. Nearly everything about this scene is unsettling and the quicker we move on the better. It's a push, the score is still tied 1-1.
  • This would at first glance look like another Loretta triumph with Leroy acting as her disgruntled beast of burden. However, Loretta seems to be unhappily carrying her share of luggage through the airport and there is no indication that all the luggage is hers. This scene comes off as merely an inconsequential peek into the Lockhorns' shared daily miseries. Also why didn't Leroy just rent a luggage cart? These things do exist. It's another push, the score remains 1-1.
  • So Leroy sees a strip of "The Lockhorns"? Leroy manages to also see victory as he pulls of the final insult of a tightly contested Sunday. I've always wondered what Pullman's credentials were as a marriage counselor. I have held back on calling him doctor since there's no evidence (aside from looking like a caricature of Freud) that he is a licensed mental health professional. Giving a Rorschach test to Leroy, although I'm not sure how that fits into marriage counseling, would seem to indicate he is a psychologist/psychiatrist. Leroy gets the point and wins 2-1.
Official Count:
Leroy - 62
Loretta - 75
Push - 37

Sunday Showdown Count:
Leroy - 7
Loretta - 11
Push - 7

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