Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to Enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left:
  • Pretty simplistic put down but then again Leroy is a pretty simplistic man. Overall it gets the job done. One has to assume that Loretta is packing up her purse for some quick, causal outing rather than a more substantial trip, otherwise the line would cease being a sarcastic insult. I also noticed that Loretta is sitting in a really awkward position while stuffing her purse. This in contrast to the cool, laid back position of Leroy against the door frame adds an extra visual element to his victory over her. Leroy earns the first point and moves ahead 1-0.
  • Leave it to the Lockhorns to make a joke involving Ikea and have it not be about its recent controversy involving their use of horse meat. This panel just plays it straight. Although the absence of Leroy precludes Loretta from a point; even if Leroy was around Loretta's comment sounds more like an indictment of Ikea's exotic designs than Leroy's furniture assembly abilities. I'm sure Loretta was getting at Leroy's incompetence but she could have made it clearer. It's a push. Leroy leads 1-0.
  • It is amazing the amount of antagonism Leroy can stir up in people. Here, Leroy's social actions have somehow driven a seemingly ordinary suburban couple to create an effigy of Leroy. If they were going to be that extreme and put in that sort of effort, they would have been better off just physically assaulting Leroy and forcibly throwing him out of the house. Perhaps it wasn't just a spontaneous act of hate. Maybe the couple invited the Lockhorns over specifically to show them the effigy of Leroy. Loretta's needling gets her the point and ties things up 1-1.
  • Leroy's description of Loretta's prime rib sounds beyond grotesque to me. It sounds like it's some sort of alien parasite. Is he saying that Loretta's ribs won't leave your mouth for a few days before somehow dissolving? I originally read Leroy's review of Loretta's ribs as melting your mouth, which may be a less gruesome alternative. At this point I assume all the dinner guests would run for their lives from the table; then again some of those people look downright suicidal. Leroy gets the point and jumps ahead 2-1.
  • I thought this was initially a bald joke, but it now sounds more like a "dumb" joke; as in Leroy has nothing between his ears. It can probably work either way. Loretta has benefited much from these scenes at the local dealership. It's even more remarkable when you realize that Loretta's constant smashing of the family car is what facilitates these frequent trips. It is just another great example of how much Loretta is ahead of Leroy as a competitor and how she has become so dominant over the years. Loretta wins the point and salvages a 2-2 push.
Official Count:
Leroy - 25
Loretta - 30
Push - 14 

Sunday Showdown Count:
Leroy - 1
Loretta - 5
Push - 4

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