Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2, 2012: Sunday Showdown!

(Click to Enlarge)

Clockwise from the bottom left: 
  • Loretta pulls off an amazing trick to start the Showdown. Despite her destructive driving being the reason the car needs repairs, she uses it as an opportunity to criticize Leroy as being stingy for choosing to repair the vehicle rather than purchasing a new one. Poor Leroy, who can only afford so many replacement automobiles too keep up with Loretta's vehicular rampages, is just plain dumbstruck by Loretta's gall. Loretta boldly takes the first point of the day and leads 1-0.
  • I wonder if Loretta's mother sends them a different, large, framed statement of condemnation every year for their anniversary. Or maybe she just sends the same phrase every year as a constant reminder of her disapproval of their marriage. I initially thought that the message was directed at Leroy but I suppose the statement could be for both Leroy and Loretta. She certainly doesn't seem all that happy to have it up; which begs the question: what would the Lockhorns even prominently display such a thing in their home? It's a push. Loretta leads 1-0.
  • Leroy is going for the lint roller brush treatment. It's rather unusual to see the normally slovenly Leroy making such a detailed effort towards his appearance. He must have a super important interview with the local carnival for their head barker position (that or he's trying out for a barbershop quartet). Whatever the event may be, Loretta is dependably right there by his side, mocking him. I'm interpreting Loretta's line as a crack about Leroy's relentless hair shedding, but it may also be taken as a knock against the suit itself. Loretta scores the point and extends her lead to 2-0.
  • I was surprised by Leroy's use of the word "terrarium", it's definitely a word that I did not expect to be in his vocabulary. I even had to quickly look it up to remember the actual definition. To Leroy's credit, his use of it is apt. As seemingly foolproof making a salad is, I can imagine that a ruined salad by Loretta could resemble an terrarium, most likely full of inedible leaves and sticks. For all we know there might even be some living creatures in there. Leroy gets the point to cut Loretta's lead down to 2-1.
  • What theater are the Lockhorns going to that is still showing the 3-D re-release of Titanic? I think it came out around January. Knowing Leroy, the only way he'd willingly see a higher priced 3D movie would be at a heavy discount at some budget theater over half a year removed from the film's initial run. Since Leroy is incapable of understanding concepts of love, sacrifice, and general human affection he can only surmise that drowning on the Titanic has some sort of inexplicable attractive effect on women. Still, Leroy earns the point for his comments and manages to force a push overall for the day. Given the early hole he was it, it might have been the best case scenario.  
Official Count:
Leroy - 86
Loretta - 100
Push - 60

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