Pretty weak zinger by Loretta. It sort of reminds me of George's famous comeback ("Well the Jerkstore called...") from the classic Seinfeld
episode. Here you have Leroy, blitzed out of his mind, making a complete jackass of himself, stumbling over giant blond bimbos, just waiting to be unloaded on. There are so many possible ways to go with this situation: the drinking, the infidelity, the obnoxiousness, the bimbos, etc. and all Loretta can muster is "jerkpot"? Of course in the end it all comes down to scoring a point anyway possible and there are no extra style points for especially devastating insults, but an artist must take more pride in their work. Loretta ekes out the point.
Official Count:
Leroy - 35
Loretta - 43
Push - 35