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Clockwise from the bottom left:
- One can't argue with that sort of logic. Leroy somehow manages to still find fault with Loretta even in a rare situation where she doesn't do anything malicious (in fact washing and properly putting his clothes away is downright benevolent); it's quite an impressive feat on his part. Additionally, it's equally remarkable how he took a major personal weakness (his constant state of disorder and sloppiness) and used it as a complaint against Loretta. This is some next level stuff. Leroy gets the point.
- I really don't think Leroy deserves the "Raggedy Andy" comment here. He is actually quite well dressed and looking relatively dapper in this scene. If he were wearing one of his ridiculous blazers or some pair of loud orange pants, then Loretta's crack would have been well warranted. There are so many other superficial aspects of Leroy she could have attacked: his weight, his baldness, his homeliness, etc.; not sure why she needed to make such a stretch for a joke here. I still have to begrudgingly give her a point though. The day is tied 1-1.
- I believe the rest of Loretta's comment is "...while I continue to bury him alive". Loretta takes some extreme preemptive measures to prevent Leroy's excessive ogling, while Leroy makes the classic mistake of falling asleep before Loretta. I don't even think Leroy would have even gone for the bespectacled blonde, her measurements are too close to realistic human proportions and that book? Total nerd! Although the blonde clearly doesn't seem concerned with Leroy's deadly predicament, maybe one of his other beach bimbo loves will be able to catch on and rescue him in time. Loretta goes up 2-1.
- We find the Lockhorns engaging in one of their favorite summer pastimes: spending long lazy summer Sundays in the backyard lounging with friends and mercilessly denouncing the institution of marriage. Apparently the long, shocking stream of expletives and disturbing vitriol Leroy has to describe his opinions on marriage are so upsetting and outrageous that even someone with as loose a personal filter as Leroy can't bring himself to mention it in company. He'd be better off telling them an extended Aristocrats joke. Still he gets his point across, that his marriage to Loretta is his greatest regret, and ties things up at 2-2.
- Leroy either laced Loretta's perfume with some sort of dog food flavoring or a strong dog pheromone, either way it's a pretty brilliant prank on his part (and an uncharacteristically gullible move on the part of Loretta for wearing it). It's a shame Leroy isn't actually here to witness the results of his handiwork, he could have dropped a line about how Loretta is a real "bitch" or something. It's a stand out panel, but I'm afraid I have to rule it a push, which in turn ends this Sunday Showdown in a 2-2 push.
Official Count:
Leroy - 74
Loretta - 77
Loretta - 77
Push - 47
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